National Technical Institute (NTI)

Improving Leads Through Paid Social Efforts

Turning Advertising Dollars into Enrollments

National Technical Institute, a trade school specializing in HVAC, plumbing, and electrical training, approached us in early 2023 to improve its lead generation efforts for its Phoenix, AZ, campus. They had been running paid media campaigns on social media platforms but were struggling with high costs per lead (CPL) and low-quality prospects.

In April 2023, the client’s campaigns on Meta (Facebook and Instagram) generated a cost per lead (CPL) of over $300 in Arizona, which was unsustainable for their marketing goals. Additionally, their strategy involved driving traffic to a Facebook form rather than the website, which led to an influx of unqualified leads that were often irrelevant to their services.



Social Media Strategy

Paid Social Management


Reduction in CPL


Approx. CPL August 2024


Increased Lead Growth

Unlocking the Power of Retargeting and Lookalike Audiences

We restructured the campaign strategy with a focus on driving website conversions instead of relying on Facebook forms. This pivot allowed us to better qualify prospects who showed genuine interest in the trade school’s programs.

To further enhance targeting and lower CPL, we implemented the following changes:


We focused on re-engaging users who had already interacted with the client’s content or website, increasing the likelihood of conversions.

Lookalike Audiences

Instead of using broad interest-based targeting, we shifted to lookalike audiences derived from the client’s existing customer base. This change helped attract prospects who were more likely to enroll in the school’s programs.

Boosting Revenue with New Audiences

This strategic overhaul significantly improved lead quality and reduced CPL. By August 2024, the cost per lead in Arizona dropped to roughly $40, a substantial improvement from the $300+ in April 2023. The year-over-year performance demonstrated consistent growth in leads despite fluctuations in spending.

By optimizing audience targeting and refocusing the campaign strategy toward website conversions, we helped the client dramatically reduce their CPL and generate a steady flow of high-quality leads. This improved their return on ad spend and increased enrollment in their programs.

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